Era el último y estaba solo. Después de él ya no habría más. El Doctor moriría, dejaría de existir. Miró la TARDIS una vez más con sus viejos y cansados ojos. Recordó como comenzó todo. Recordó a todos sus acompañantes, también a sus enemigos. Miró la pantalla. Le quedaba poco tiempo para ir a Trenzadore a morir.
El Doctor estaba inquieto.
Recordó a un joven en la Tierra, un joven con dos corazones como él. Eso era imposible. Sólo los Time Lords tenían dos corazones. Recordó entonces un nombre, Ángel, Ángel Corvo en algún lugar en Galicia.
Llegaba la hora. Necesitaba actuar rápido. ¿Quién podría ayudarle? Ya no tenía cerca a Jack Harkness, ni River Song, ni su querida Susan...
Tecleó en el teclado para buscar una respuesta. Tras un pitido apareció una respuesta inesperada en la pantalla: “MALCOM REYNOLDS. VALLE DE SERENITY.” También aparecía una fecha.
- ¡Oh!, Bien... - dijo para sí mismo el Doctor.
Tecleó el lugar y la fecha. Seguramente podría convencer a Malcom Reynolds de que ayudase a ese joven. Si lo conseguía quizá y sólo quizá podría tener alguna oportunidad si no de seguir vivo si de elegir un sucesor. Terminó de teclear y comenzó a calibrar la TARDIS para viajar al valle de Serenity en el momento apropiado.
Lejos de allí en otro lugar del espacio o del tiempo tenía lugar una batalla. En el valle de Serenity tiene lugar la batalla, los soldados gritan y corren, mientras suenan disparos por todas partes, tienen lugar explosiones que hacen salir cosas volando. La silueta de un soldado se perfila a la luz de una explosión, corre esquivando el fuego del enemigo. Tirándose a tierra para ponerse a cubierto. Su cara está sucia y está respirando con dificultad, pero está vivo y eso no lo pueden decir muchos de sus compañeros. Una sombra recorría el aire disparando, dueña del cielo del valle.
- ¿Dónde está? He intentado localizarlo antes de llegar y materializarme. Tendré que probar con otra forma de buscarlo...
En la voz del Doctor se nota una nota de urgencia. Rastrea las trincheras del valle de Serenity hasta que localiza un búnker que parece la madriguera de un zorro. Otros echarían un vistazo fugaz a lo que sucede a su alrededor, pero él no tiene tiempo para detalles sin importancia. Entonces lo ve entrar en el búnker seguido de una compañera. Pensó en el mismo y sus acompañantes. La figura de Malcom se perfilaba en la oscuridad, desde dónde miraba el Doctor parecía un hombrecillo diminuto y débil golpeado por una terrible tormenta.
La batalla terminaba. Los soldados y Malcom esperaban ayuda aérea. Una ayuda que jamás iba a llegar. El Doctor sabía que esa batalla iba a perderse. Mientras, poco a poco, Malcom se levantaba y asomaba sobre la parte superior de la trinchera que estaba a la entrada del búnker.
Su rostro se iluminó ante la visión del apoyo aéreo elevándose y retrocediendo ante la llegada del enemigo. Uno de los soldados se encontraba junto a Malcom que permanece en estado de shock, viendo su última esperanza huir. El soldado que está a su lado cae herido. Zoe se arrastra hasta él.
La TARDIS aparece. El Doctor abre la puerta y sale.
- Estoy aquí. He llegado.
- ¿Quién es usted? - dice Zoe.
- ¿A usted qué le parece? Un amigo - responde el Doctor-. Ayúdame a sacarle de aquí.
- No querrás meterlo en esa caja de zapatos - dice Zoe señalando la TARDIS.
- ¡Entrad dentro! ¡Ya!
El miedo sacude los nervios de Malcom y Zoe.
- ¡Vamos! Cuando digo corred y entrad dentro...¡Hacedlo!
Un rayo láser se dirige al búnker. Justo cuando entran en el interior de la TARDIS y está se desmaterializa.
- ¿A dónde vamos? - preguntan recuperados Mal y Zoe- ¿quién es usted?
- Soy el Doctor. Os voy a llevar a ese satélite. Ahí no os buscarán.
- Yo soy Mal Reynolds y ella Zoe, ¿Qué quiere de nosotros?
- Dentro de un tiempo a ese planeta llegará alguien en una nave como esta. Lo acompañaran dos hombres para construir algo. ¡Ayudadles! Ello os ayudará para vuestro futuro. Os convertirá en héroes para muchos.
Malcom mira la pantalla y ve un llano desierto vacío con la excepción de una gran ciudad futurista, brillante y solitaria. El sitio está al borde de la galaxia lejos de la Alianza y de otros peligros.
- Bueno, Zoe. Tendremos que ayudarle.
- Si, Mal.
El Doctor los deja en el planeta. Malcom y Zoe se alejan por la calle principal de la población. Mientras el Doctor entraba en el Vórtice del Tiempo.
Estaba cansado y cerró los ojos. El tiempo cada vez era menor. Se sentó, como hacía cuando era su séptima encarnación, en un sillón y cogió un libro. Se quedó dormido.
El Doctor se despertó de pronto. Abrió sus ojos nervioso. Se miró las manos, el proceso comenzaba. Un nudo se formó en su garganta. Había llegado a Trenzadore. Se levantó y pudo ver las nubes al abrir la puerta.
Llegó el momento. Su cuerpo iba a iniciar su cambio definitivo. Se acercó a la zona de la consola. En ese momento la puerta de la TARDIS se abrió una sombra entró en el interior. La persona que entraba tenía un destornillador sónico y una inmensa energía temporal. ¿Quién es él?
De golpe comprendió. Era él, el que lo salvaría o el sería el nuevo Doctor. Se inició el proceso. Se iniciaba su muerte.
El extraño apuntó con el destornillador al Doctor. De golpe salió de él una gran energía como la energía de otros seis Timelords.
La TARDIS desapareció bajo la intensa energía. La luz se hizo inmensa ocupando todo. La energía de regeneración ocultaba todo.
El misterio se cernía sobre si el Doctor seguía o no vivo, pero a través de la luz si se percibía como aquel que llegó para salvarlo se alejaba lentamente hacia su propia TARDIS.
Ahora sólo el Destino sabría decir que sucedería en Trenzadore.
EN INGLÉS (In English:):
He was the last one and was alone. After him already it would not have any more. The Doctor would die, cease to exist. He looked at the TARDIS once again with his old and tired eyes. He remembered since everything began. He remembered all his accompanists, to their enemies. He looked at the screen. He still had a little time to be going to Trenzadore to die.
The Doctor was restless.
He remembered a young person in the Earth, a young person with two hearts as him. It was impossible. Only Steal them Lords had two hearts. He remembered then a name, Ángel, Ángel Corvo in some place in Galicia.
Was time. I needed to act fast. Who can help? He had no near Jack Harkness, and River Song, and his beloved Susan …
He tapped on the keyboard to search for an answer. After a whistle an unexpected response appeared on the screen: "MALCOM REYNOLDS. SERENITY VALLEY. "Also it was appearing a date.
- Oh!, Well ... - said the Doctor to himself.
He messed the place and date. Surely he could convince Malcom Reynolds that would help this young man. If he was obtaining it probably and only probably some opportunity might have if not of being still alive if to choose a successor. Finished and started typing calibrate the TARDIS to travel to the Valley of Serenity at the appropriate time.
Far away in another place of the space or of the time a battle took place. In Serenity's valley the battle takes place, soldiers scream and run, while shots sound throughout, explosions occur that make things go flying. The silhouette of a soldier is outlined in the light of an explosion, run dodging enemy fire. Throwing itself to land to put to cutlery. His face is dirty and is breathing hard, but it is alive and it cannot be said by many of his companions. A shadow ran the air firing, owner of the sky of the valley.
- Where is it? I have tried to locate it before coming and to materialize. I will have to try with another way of looking for it…
In the voice of the Doctor a note of urgency is obvious. Track the trenches Serenity Valley until it locates a bunker that looks like a fox den. Others would throw a fleeting glimpse to what it happens around it, but he did not have time to unimportant details. Then he sees it to enter the bunker followed by a companion. He thought of himself and his companions. Malcom's figure was outlined in the darkness, from where the Doctor looked like a tiny and weak person struck by a terrible storm.
The battle was ending. The soldiers and Malcom were waiting for air help. A help that was never going to come. The Doctor knew that this battle was going to get lost. While, little by little, Malcom was getting up and beginning to show on the top part of the trench that was at the entry of the bunker.
His face lit up at the sight of the rising air support and backing to the coming of the enemy. One soldier stood next to Malcom remains in shock, watching their last hope to escape. The soldier who is on your side is injured. Zoe is dragged into it.
The TARDIS appears. The Doctor opens the door and goes out.
- I am here. I have come.
- Who are you? - says Zoe.
- What you do you think? A friend - answers the Doctor-. Help him extract of here.
- You don't want to put him in that shoebox - Zoe says pointing to the TARDIS.
- Enter inside! Already!
Fear shakes the nerves of Malcolm and Zoe.
- Let's go! When I say run and enter inside ... do it!
A laser beam goes to the bunker. Just when you get inside the TARDIS is dematerialized.
-Where do we go? - Mal and Zoe retrieved ask-who are you?
- I'm the Doctor. I am going to take you to this satellite. There will not be searched.
- I'm Mal Reynolds and she Zoe, what do you want from us?
- In a time to this planet someone will come in a ship as this one. Two men to accompany him to build something. Help them! It will help you for your future. It will turn you into heroes for many.
Malcom looks at the screen and sees a desert empty plain with the exception of a great futurist, bright and lonely city. The site is on the edge of the galaxy far from the Alliance and other dangers.
- Well, Zoe. We will need help.
- Yes, Mal.
The Doctor leaves them in the planet. Malcolm and Zoe away from the main street of the town. While the Doctor was entering the Vortex of the Time.
He was tired and closed his eyes. The time every time it was minor. He sat down, as he did when he was his seventh incarnation, into a chair and took a book. He remained slept.
The Doctor woke up suddenly. He opened its nervous eyes. Looked at his hands, the process began. A knot was formed in his throat. He had come to Trenzadore. He got up and could see the clouds at the door.
The moment came. His body would start its final change. He approached the zone of the console. At that moment the door of the TARDIS opened a shade itself entered the interior. The person who was entering had a sonic screwdriver and an immense temporary energy. Who is he?
At one stroke he understood. It was him who would save him or the new Doctor. The process began. His death began.
The stranger aimed with the screwdriver at the Doctor. Suddenly it came out great energy as the energy of six Timelords.
The TARDIS disappeared under the intense energy. The light was immense occupying all. The regeneration energy hiding everything.
EN INGLÉS (In English:):
He was the last one and was alone. After him already it would not have any more. The Doctor would die, cease to exist. He looked at the TARDIS once again with his old and tired eyes. He remembered since everything began. He remembered all his accompanists, to their enemies. He looked at the screen. He still had a little time to be going to Trenzadore to die.
The Doctor was restless.
He remembered a young person in the Earth, a young person with two hearts as him. It was impossible. Only Steal them Lords had two hearts. He remembered then a name, Ángel, Ángel Corvo in some place in Galicia.
Was time. I needed to act fast. Who can help? He had no near Jack Harkness, and River Song, and his beloved Susan …
He tapped on the keyboard to search for an answer. After a whistle an unexpected response appeared on the screen: "MALCOM REYNOLDS. SERENITY VALLEY. "Also it was appearing a date.
- Oh!, Well ... - said the Doctor to himself.
He messed the place and date. Surely he could convince Malcom Reynolds that would help this young man. If he was obtaining it probably and only probably some opportunity might have if not of being still alive if to choose a successor. Finished and started typing calibrate the TARDIS to travel to the Valley of Serenity at the appropriate time.
Far away in another place of the space or of the time a battle took place. In Serenity's valley the battle takes place, soldiers scream and run, while shots sound throughout, explosions occur that make things go flying. The silhouette of a soldier is outlined in the light of an explosion, run dodging enemy fire. Throwing itself to land to put to cutlery. His face is dirty and is breathing hard, but it is alive and it cannot be said by many of his companions. A shadow ran the air firing, owner of the sky of the valley.
- Where is it? I have tried to locate it before coming and to materialize. I will have to try with another way of looking for it…
In the voice of the Doctor a note of urgency is obvious. Track the trenches Serenity Valley until it locates a bunker that looks like a fox den. Others would throw a fleeting glimpse to what it happens around it, but he did not have time to unimportant details. Then he sees it to enter the bunker followed by a companion. He thought of himself and his companions. Malcom's figure was outlined in the darkness, from where the Doctor looked like a tiny and weak person struck by a terrible storm.
The battle was ending. The soldiers and Malcom were waiting for air help. A help that was never going to come. The Doctor knew that this battle was going to get lost. While, little by little, Malcom was getting up and beginning to show on the top part of the trench that was at the entry of the bunker.
His face lit up at the sight of the rising air support and backing to the coming of the enemy. One soldier stood next to Malcom remains in shock, watching their last hope to escape. The soldier who is on your side is injured. Zoe is dragged into it.
The TARDIS appears. The Doctor opens the door and goes out.
- I am here. I have come.
- Who are you? - says Zoe.
- What you do you think? A friend - answers the Doctor-. Help him extract of here.
- You don't want to put him in that shoebox - Zoe says pointing to the TARDIS.
- Enter inside! Already!
Fear shakes the nerves of Malcolm and Zoe.
- Let's go! When I say run and enter inside ... do it!
A laser beam goes to the bunker. Just when you get inside the TARDIS is dematerialized.
-Where do we go? - Mal and Zoe retrieved ask-who are you?
- I'm the Doctor. I am going to take you to this satellite. There will not be searched.
- I'm Mal Reynolds and she Zoe, what do you want from us?
- In a time to this planet someone will come in a ship as this one. Two men to accompany him to build something. Help them! It will help you for your future. It will turn you into heroes for many.
Malcom looks at the screen and sees a desert empty plain with the exception of a great futurist, bright and lonely city. The site is on the edge of the galaxy far from the Alliance and other dangers.
- Well, Zoe. We will need help.
- Yes, Mal.
The Doctor leaves them in the planet. Malcolm and Zoe away from the main street of the town. While the Doctor was entering the Vortex of the Time.
He was tired and closed his eyes. The time every time it was minor. He sat down, as he did when he was his seventh incarnation, into a chair and took a book. He remained slept.
The Doctor woke up suddenly. He opened its nervous eyes. Looked at his hands, the process began. A knot was formed in his throat. He had come to Trenzadore. He got up and could see the clouds at the door.
The moment came. His body would start its final change. He approached the zone of the console. At that moment the door of the TARDIS opened a shade itself entered the interior. The person who was entering had a sonic screwdriver and an immense temporary energy. Who is he?
At one stroke he understood. It was him who would save him or the new Doctor. The process began. His death began.
The stranger aimed with the screwdriver at the Doctor. Suddenly it came out great energy as the energy of six Timelords.
The TARDIS disappeared under the intense energy. The light was immense occupying all. The regeneration energy hiding everything.
The mystery hung over if the Doctor was still alive or not, but across the light if it was perceived as that one that came to save it it was moving away slowly towards his own TARDIS.
Now only Fate would be able say what would happen in Trenzadore.
Now only Fate would be able say what would happen in Trenzadore.
Qué triste :(
ResponderEliminarEs cierto, Elewen es una lectura triste, sobre todo para todos los que tenemos aprecio por el Doctor, pero… ¿será el final del Doctor? Yo creo que Adanamarth (Miguel A. Mateos Carreira) tampoco matará al Doctor seguramente como los propios guionistas de Doctor Who tenga un medio de resucitarlo o de mantenerlo vivo.